SFB 1551 Seminar Series Event – Dr. Sam Wilken
Quantifying biophysical phenomena: image analysis techniques for fluorescent microscopy By Dr. Sam Wilken University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Quantifying biophysical phenomena: image analysis techniques for fluorescent microscopy By Dr. Sam Wilken University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Talk announcement for Susanne Gerber
We are happy to announce the upcoming online research ethics lecture, with a specific focus on AI tools and their use, on Wednesday, 26 February at 14:00-15:15. PD Dr Daniel Mertens (DKFZ Heidelberg & Universitätsklinikum Ulm) will give a talk entitled “Next...
2 inactive 4 destruction: Mechanism of genetic quality control in germ cells By Prof. Dr. Volker Dötsch Goethe University Frankfurt · Institute of Biophysical Chemistry
We are very excited to announce that the SFB1551 will be taking part in the Mainzer Fastnacht Rosenmontag Parade! Fastnacht (Carnival) in Mainz is one of the biggest yearly events in the area. Contact us for more information. The featured...
Talk announcement for Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio
Talk announcement for Prof. Dr. Ali Miserez.
Talk announcement for Dr. Michael Landreh
Talk announcement for Prof. Dr. Tuomas Knowles
More information will be available soon.