Congratulations to Kurt Kremer (SFB1551 – Project R02 and R03) from the Max Plank Institute for Polymer Science (MPIP) for being awarded the Hermann-Staudinger Prize of the German Chemical Society (GDCh)! The prize recognizes Kurt Kremer’s groundbreaking work in the field of numerical simulation of soft matter, with which he has fundamentally expanded the spectrum of models and methods.
According to the GDCh, with the methods that Kurt Kremer has developed he has “established simulations as an essential link between macromolecular chemistry and theoretical polymer physics.”
The award ceremony took place as part of the Biennial Meeting of the Macromolecular Division of the GDCh “Makro 2024” in Dresden.
Check the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Science press release here.
Congratulations on this great achievement!