Talk announcement for the Biochemisches Kolloquium (im Wintersemester 22/23) and the SFB 1551
*Turning protein hydration and dehydration as well as function in protein hydrogels – from elastin-like polypeptides to albumin hydrogels*
Abstract: Protein self-assembly into phase-separated states or hydrated, high concentration hydrogels is intricately linked to hydration and dehydration structure and dynamics. Here, it will be shown how mainly electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy on paramagnetic tracer molecules can be used to characterize phase-separating elastin-like polypeptides and derived polypeptides that show thermal hysteresis. Furthermore, the vast tuning parameter space of high-concentration protein hydrogels is explored for the platform of albumin-based hydrogels, hydrogel function can be tuned by e.g. post-translational modification or pH.
by Prof. Dr. Dariush Hinderberger
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg,
Institut für Chemie – Physical Chemistry