SFB1551 “Scientist for a day” outreach event

Just last week the SFB1551 welcomed students and teachers from the International Class and Gifted Education at Otto Schott Gymnasium for a 2-day immersive scientific experience!

Throughout these couple of days, the students were given an introduction and hands-on experience on four of the thirty-eight labs that currently constitute this network. 

Students explored the interdisciplinary field of bioinformatics together with Susanne Gerber and her lab, dived into the molecular basis of neurodegenerative diseases with Dorothee Dormann and her group, ventured into the world of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins along with Edward Lemke and his lab and had a glimpse of the epigenetic mechanisms that regulate gene expression in C. elegans with Jan Padeken and his team.

It was an intense but highly gratifying experience for both students and mentors. The wonderful mentoring team included: 

Gerber Lab (UMC): Stefan Pastore;

Dormann Lab (JGU & IMB): Nora Knabe & Saskia Hutten;

Lemke Lab (JGU & IMB):  Marius Jung & Sabrina Giofrè;

Padeken Lab (IMB): Rosa Herrera Rodriguez, Shéraz Sadouki & Valerie Arz.

It was very impressive to see all that PIs and mentors have prepared for this event! A BIG thank you for your availability and dedication!

The SFB1551 team wants to thank Susanne Gerber for her initiative and enthusiasm and also the teacher, Lisa Keßler, for engaging and chaperoning the students throughout the whole event. 

Last, but not least, we thank the students for their curiosity, active participation and excitement: Anton, Anya, Charlotte, Cornelius, Dana, Daris, Helen, Jakob, Marlene, Orestis and Rieke

It was a pleasure to host you and we look forward to further developing these programmes within the SFB1551 network! 

The students, teacher and mentors at the Lemke & Dormann Lab