A new SFB1551 paper is out! Congrats to Dorothee Dormann & Edward Lemke
Check out the new article from Dorothee Dormann and Edward Lemke on “Adding intrinsically disordered proteins to biological ageing clocks” just published on Nature Cell Biology.
Research into how the young and old differ, and which biomarkers reflect the diverse biological processes underlying ageing, is a current and fast-growing field. Biological clocks provide a means to evaluate whether a molecule, cell, tissue or even an entire organism is old or young. Here we summarize established and emerging molecular clocks as timepieces. We emphasize that intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) tend to transform into a β-sheet-rich aggregated state and accumulate in non-dividing or slowly dividing cells as they age. We hypothesize that understanding these protein-based molecular ageing mechanisms might provide a conceptual pathway to determining a cell’s health age by probing the aggregation state of IDPs, which we term the IDP clock.
Masterfully written press release can be found here
This paper has also been featured in the Newspaper F.A.Z. here.
Congratulations to Dorothee and Edward and their labs!