IRTG - Integrated Research Training Group

The Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) is a structured PhD programme that aims to train 30 PhD students within the framework of the proposed CRC. In line with the overall topic of this CRC, the focus of the IRTG will be on applying concepts of polymer science in biological systems and how cellular function is governed by these concepts, integrating views from both the polymer sciences and the life sciences. Through an interdisciplinary curriculum and CRC-specific networking events, PhD students with a biology background will be exposed to polymer physics and chemistry and, vice versa, chemists and physicists will be immersed in the life sciences. This will foster the exchange of knowledge, approaches and tools between students from different disciplines, and a better understanding of each other’s language and thinking.

SFB1551 students at the Winter School in Bad Dürkheim. (March, 2024).

Nicole Belo do Couto, PhD
Nicole Belo do Couto, PhD
IRTG Coordinator

BIOCENTER II, Johannes Gutenberg University Hanns-Dieter-Hüsch-Weg 17, 55128 Mainz