Seminar Series – Sam Wilken
Yesterday, we had the pleasure of hosting Sam Wilken from the University of California Santa Barbara. Sam is a postdoc at the Saleh Lab and has been working on biomietic materials, namely self-assembled DNA systems that mimic the non-equilibrium structural and mechanical properties of micro-scale biological systems. In this talk he focused on some of the methods he uses within his project “Quantifying Biophysical Phenomena: Image Analysis Techniques for Fluorescent Microscopy“. 
“The precise and quantifiable characterization of living systems is integral to our understanding of the physical, chemical, and biological principles that govern them. The proliferation of microscopy instrumentation and biochemical fluorescence-labeling techniques has allowed scientists to investigate complex heterogeneous structures and dynamical processes. I will overview seminal and cutting-edge methods for extracting quantifiable structural and dynamical information to elucidate mechanisms of organization and dynamics in broad classes of living and complex systems.”

Thank you, Sam, for sharing your insights and expertise!

Sam Wilken visiting the Chemistry Department (JGU) with Pol Besenius