IRTG - Integrated Research Training Group

Travel Justification Instructions

In order to get the travel allowance, please follow this procedure:

  1. Clarify with your PI that he/she agrees with the trip and with requesting IRTG travel money for it.
  2. Follow the normal travel request / reimbursement procedure established in your department/institute and use your PI’s SFB1551 budget number to pay for the travel. (Note: The SFB office is not involved in this procedure!)
  3. After the journey, fill out the SFB 1551 IRTG travel justification form below and upload all travel documents:
    • a scan of the official confirmation of the amount that will be/has been reimbursed, i.e. at JGU it’s the “Zahlungsanweisung”;
    • corresponding invoices;
    • signed DRAs. 

In this process your PI needs to pay for the journey in advance, from his/her SFB1551 budget.

JUSTIFICATION: If you can justify in the form below that the journey was clearly SFB1551-related and aids your project, the reimbursed amount will be added by the IRTG to your PI’s available SFB1551 budget in 2024. Make sure to explain how exactly you benefit from the journey, especially in case you didn’t present a talk or poster e.g. did you have any special meetings with collaborators etc.?

IMPORTANT NOTE: All SFB 1551 travel justification forms, including the ones that take place in the last quarter of the year, have to be submitted at the latest by September 30th. This means if you intent to travel after September 30th, your bills (e.g. registration, transportation, accommodation etc.) have to be booked beforehand and uploaded along with the business travel form, containing a signature of your PI approving the journey. The requested amount will be added to your PI’s SFB1551 budget by the IRTG. The corresponding reimbursement notification of your institute has to be forwarded to the SFB1551 office by the end of the year via email. If you do not submit a reimbursement notification in time, we will deduct the expense from your PI’s SFB1551 project budget in the following year.

Fill out the IRTG travel justification form by clicking the button below.