After undergoing successful evaluation in Mainz, Can has now obtained the highest recognition from the jury in the 59th Rhineland-Palatinate state Jugend forscht competition.
Can Yildirim developed his project as part of the SFB 1551 (subproject R10) under the mentorship of Susanne Gerber and postdoctoral researcher Alejandro Cerón. He focused on the topic “Optimization in the ATAC-seq process: Quality improvement in the third-generation sequencing method for the acquisition of epigenetic data”. The data generated from Can’s research on nucleosome patterning is unprecedented and holds great promise for the scientific community. It paves the way for more accurate models of chromatin structure and has potential applications in epigenetic research. Moreover, Can’s findings could play a crucial role in enhancing our understanding of DNA and chromatin’s three-dimensional structures over the long term.
Congratlations Can!
We will be rooting for you in the final competion, taking place in Baden Wuerttemberg between 30 May and 2 June.